Saturday, July 15, 2017

Iranian Agent of Suppression Returned to Iran

Seyyed Mohsen Dehnavi, an Iranian scholar, was deported to Iran on Wednesday from Boston International Airport after being accused of membership in a student mobilization entity in Iran.
Dehnavi is an academic preparing to work at the Boston Children’s Hospital. American media published a story about his past and his active membership in the Student Basij, affiliated to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) being the main reason for his deportation.
Earlier it was said the anti-immigration law was main reason for his arrest and entry denial into the US. He was rejected by airport border authorities.
The Student Basij, known as the Basij-e Daneshjouyi, are deployed to suppress pro-democracy students on campuses and in universities across the country.
Meanwhile, Trita Parsi, an Iranian national who runs the Washington-based National Iranian American Council (NIAC), with close ties to clerics in Iran and reportedly an active Tehran lobbyist, condemned Dehnavi’s deportation.
NIAC is also campaigning to prevent the designation of the IRGC and its entities as foreign terrorists organizations. IRGC members and proxies have been involved in murdering many US soldiers in Iraq, according to retired US generals commanding units in that country.

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